Taking Chances

Hi! Jajing here, on my take 2!. Ahem. I'm desperately trying to create my on-line journal again. I had one before but I didn't quite have the idea on how to maintain it. Like as if I know all the how and what abouts of blogging now. Well, hopefully this will be a good way to start expressing my thoughts about everything. Room317 was made to keep everything and anything in writing.

I don't know why I named this entry as Taking Chances, maybe I'm taking such chance in naming one. If you happen to read this and you are one of my closest friends in the entire universe, this might mean nothing anymore. Otherwise, this might left you wondering if everything that you found out are true.

I'm the kind of person who likes to keep things for myself, which I know somehow defeats the purpose of having an on-line journal.

And I think that is ironically challenging.

Enjoy reading! Comments are much appreciated .:)


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